Anthony Gray: County Board District 14 

1. What top three priorities will you work on if elected?

  • Closing the Wealth Gap for black and brown families, with an eye toward shrinking the racial disparities for which Dane County has become infamous.

  • Normalizing and increasing access to Mental Health Care (particularly in communities of color).

  • Advance Racial Equity in all policy areas that County Government touches

2. What strategies would you support to advance transportation equity and eliminate transportation barriers? What should the county be spending its wheel tax money on?

I would start by prioritizing the funding for public transportation, including access for those with physical disabilities.  Attempt to incentivize the use of public transportation as well as bicycle usage.

3. Do you think there are options not being considered that should be pursued to reduce the jail population by diverting people from jail, reducing length of jail stays, and advancing criminal justice reform recommendations provided by the 2014 Res 556 work groups?

Yes. Particularly in the area of mental health assessment and training involving first responders, mental health screening pre-charging, as well as appropriate care being provided while incarcerated.

 4. Which of the Lake Levels Task Force Recommendations should be prioritized? Do you support petitioning the DNR to further lower the lake levels?

  • Downstream dredging; Planning and implementation should focus on cooperation with the DNR regulators, fish biologists

  • I genuinely don’t yet know enough about the science of lake levels to comment intelligently, although I do think the Tenney Dam needs some upkeep and maintenance.  Broadly, as an avid fly fisherman, I will be supporting public policy that protects and prioritizes our lakes’ amazing biodiversity

 5. What role do you think the County has in monitoring and remediating PFAS contamination in urban and rural areas?

I don’t know what jurisdiction the County Board has in monitoring and remediating PFAS, but I will push to expand and use that authority to protect our waterways.

6. What other ideas do you have for raising revenues or reducing spending? Would you support going to referendum to raise the levy? If yes, what conditions do you place on your support, if any?

I think that the practice of raising revenue and cutting expenses is always an individual, case by case, decision.  One consistent lens through which I will be looking at these questions is: How does this decision impact the County residents who are least able to advocate for themselves? Does this decision increase or decrease racial disparities in Dane County.

7. Evaluate the issue of transparency in the way the County Board currently operates. What problem areas do you believe need to be addressed and how will you work to address them? Do you think the county board is responsive to public input and values the role of resident and non-standing committees?

I haven’t had any issues with the Board regarding access to information.  Having said that, I use the Week Ahead Round Up to summarize activity.  I certainly support clarity and transparency at all levels of government.

8. Have you carefully read the Progressive Dane County Platform? Do you have any questions or concerns about the platform? Are there issues that we should add or that you particularly want to work on?

I’ve read the platform.  The only thing I would add is a long-term goal of promoting light rail.

9. The County has made investments in housing and homelessness yet we still have some of the worst racial disparities in housing and homelessness. What would you do to address this?

Invest more resources in higher impact programs.  Allow greater percentages for wrap-around support services whenever investing in brick and mortar.

10.  Why are you interested in the Progressive Dane endorsement? What role do you see yourself playing in Progressive Dane and do you agree with the accountability expectations document?

I’m a member of Progressive Dane and generally supportive of progressive public policy.  I suspect my first role with Progressive Dane would be to ensure our members get access to relevant policy information in a timely manner.

11. In what ways are you currently active in your district and the community at large? (new candidates only)

I’m an active member of Chavez PTO, Chavez DLI program, MMSD Black Excellence, Downtown Madison Rotary, Countrywood Neighborhood Association