Constitution + Bylaws

Article 1. Decision Making of the General Body
Article 2. The Steering Committee-Role and Functions
Article 3. General Committees and Task Forces
Article 4. Amendments to the Bylaws of Progressive Dane



We, the members of Progressive Dane, join together to form an independent political party in Dane County with a major focus on local issues. We pledge to work to improve the quality of life in Dane County for all people, particularly those marginalized by economic and social discrimination. We will work to improve our local government by making it open, easier to understand, and accessible for all citizens of Dane County. We are working to achieve positive policy change by electing accountable progressive officials and mobilizing citizen action. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 11.20.02; Amended 7.25.07)


Section 1. Only members in good standing of the organization may vote on matters of business before Progressive Dane. A 'member in good standing' is a member who has paid her or his full dues within the last 15 months, has met or exceeded low income or student membership dues through sustainership within the last 15 months, or has kept up to date on the $0 Volunteer Membership. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 11.20.02, 7.23.03, and 6.26.13)

Section 2. All decisions of Progressive Dane will require a simple majority for adoption except for the following, where a 2/3 vote will be required: (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 5.28.03)

  1. Extraordinary expenditures (Amounts exceeding $250.00 that were not approved in the annual budget). (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 2.28.96 and 11.20.02)

  2. Endorsement of candidates by Progressive Dane in electoral campaigns. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 5.28.03)

  3. Amendment of Progressive Dane's Bylaws. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 5.28.03 and 7.23.03)

Section 3. A quorum for general meetings of Progressive Dane will be twenty (20) members. No official business shall be conducted without a quorum. The quorum requirement will not apply unless a member who is present asks that a quorum be present for a given piece of business. (Adopted 8.25.93; Amended 5.24.00 and 11.20.02)

Section 4. The order of precedence for rules and procedures governing the operation of Progressive Dane shall be:

  1. The Bylaws.

  2. Special rules adopted by Progressive Dane for its own governance.

  3. 'Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.' (Adopted 6.25.03)


Section 1. The Steering Committee of Progressive Dane will be members selected by the general body.  We will strive to have 7 - 13 members on the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall strive for demographic balance. In the Fall election of the Steering Committee , the top 3 vote-getting persons from under-represented communities shall be automatically seated, with the remainder of vote-getters seated according to vote totals. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 3.27.96; Amended 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)

Section 2. Terms on the Steering Committee shall be one year. Elections of the Steering Committee will take place annually in the October General Membership Meeting. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 11.20.02; Amended 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)

  1. Nominations of candidates for election to the Steering Committee will take place at a General Membership Meeting no less than one (1) month prior to the elections. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  2. Election to the Steering Committee shall be conducted by secret ballot, with members casting a ballot for no less than three candidates and no more than six candidates. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  3. The Steering Committee shall have the power to call an election by the General Membership to fill at-large vacancies of the Steering Committee. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  4. If there are less than 7 members on the Steering Committee, the General Membership may elect new members at any meeting of the General Membership. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)

Section 3. Quorum on the Steering Committee will be a majority of members currently seated on the Steering Committee or five members; whichever is greater. (Adopted 7.14.93; Amended 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)

Section 4. The Steering Committee shall be charged with the day-to-day operations of the Party, in addition to the following responsibilities:

  1. The Steering Committee shall select two Co-Chairs from their rank, tasked with administering day-to-day operations, overseeing execution of the Annual Plan as directed by the General Membership, and serving as the public voice of the organization. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  2. Co-Chairs of Progressive Dane shall strive for demographic balance, with the top vote-getting person from a marginalized community automatically seated, and the other vote-getters seated according to vote totals. (Adopted 10.23.13)
  3. The Steering Committee shall appoint a Treasurer from among the General Membership. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to provide quarterly financial reports to the General Membership, monthly reports to the Steering Committee, handle general financial operations of the Party, make budgetary recommendations to the Steering Committee, and other tasks commonly reserved for the Treasurer. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  4. The Steering Committee shall appoint a Secretary from among the Steering Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to maintain all organizational records, take minutes during General Membership Meetings and meetings of the Steering Committee, organize the minutes of any meetings of Progressive Dane where official business has been conducted, and other tasks commonly reserved for the Secretary. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  5. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for organizing fundraisers and official events of Progressive Dane. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  6. By June of each year the Steering Committee shall propose an Annual Budget to the General Membership (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  7. By June of each year the Steering Committee shall propose an Annual Plan to the General Membership. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  8. It shall be the responsibility of the Steering Committee to set the agenda of meetings of the General Membership of Progressive Dane. Additionally, the Steering Committee shall be responsible for providing timely notices of meetings of the General Membership and reporting the minutes of meetings of Progressive Dane where official business has been conducted. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  9. It shall be the responsibility of the Steering Committee, in consultation with the General Membership, to administer the Discretionary Organizing Fund. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  10. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for approving official endorsements of community events or campaigns, unless timely endorsements can be made at a meeting of the General Membership. Additionally, unless otherwise noted in the Annual Budget, disbursements in support of official endorsements of Progressive Dane shall be made from the Discretionary Organizing Fund. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  11. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for authorizing extraordinary expenditures that are not otherwise authorized in the Annual Budget as approved by the General Membership. If any one line item exceeds the approved amount by 10% or more, the Steering Committee shall submit an amended budget to the General Membership for approval. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  12. The Steering Committee, in consultation with the General Membership, shall be charged with convening special committees or task forces of Progressive Dane. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)
  13. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for hiring, firing, and oversight of any paid staff of Progressive Dane. (Adopted 10.23.13; Amended 7.17)


Section 1. The members of Progressive Dane can form various General Committees and Task Forces to mobilize electoral and non-electoral campaigns, conduct public outreach and education, develop programs, improve internal organization, recruit new members, etc.

  1. Committee and Task Force missions, goals and objectives shall be proposed in writing and approved by the general membership.
  2. While maintaining communication with the Steering Committee, General Committees and Task Forces shall be allowed the authority and discretion to implement approved missions and projects.
  3. The Steering Committee may recommend to the General Membership that a General Committee or Task Force be disbanded if it has ceased to function. (Adopted 2.26.03; Amended 7.17)

Section 2. General Committee and Task Forces, permanent or ad hoc, will present reports of their activities and address questions at least annually at the General Membership meetings.

Section 3. General Committees and Task Forces shall have a liaison on the Steering Committee. If a General Committee or Task Force does not contain a member of the Steering Committee, then the Steering Committee will appoint one of its members to be a liaison to the General Committee or Task Force. (Amended 7.17)

Section 4. General Committees and Task Forces will make decisions by a simple majority vote except when the elections committee is voting on endorsements of candidates or referenda where a 2/3 vote will be requires. (Amended 2.26.03 and 5.28.03)

Section 5. General Committees and Task Forces will elect a chairperson or co-chairs from among their members annually and notify the Steering Committee of their selection. (Adopted 11.20.02; Amended 7.17)


Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any member, in writing, by submitting them first to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall recommend adoption, rejections, or adoption with amendments to the General Membership within 90 days of submission. (Amended 7.23.03; Amended 7.17)

Section 2. The notice of the General Membership Meeting at which the amendment(s) will be voted on must include the text of the amendment(s) as proposed by the member, together with any changes recommended by the Steering Committee. (Amended 7.17)

Section 3. The General Membership Meeting at which amendments are considered may not coincide with elections held under Section 2.

Section 4. Adoption and ratification of amendments requires a 2/3 vote at the meeting. (Adopted 2.28.96; Amended 5.28.03 and 6.25.03)