Kevin Cunningham: County Board District 26
1. What top three priorities will you work on if elected?
· Affordable Housing reform
· Climate change issues
· Criminal justice reform
2. What strategies would you support to advance transportation equity and eliminate transportation barriers? What should the county be spending its wheel tax money on?
The county should be spending the wheel tax on making public transit both free and improved to encourage more people to take it which will cut down on traffic and help the environment. A long term goal for improved public transit would be a vehicle free isthmus. Also, amend the wheel tax where residents that reside closer to the city center pay more while residents that live further out in rural areas pay less.
3. Do you think there are options not being considered that should be pursued to reduce the jail population by diverting people from jail, reducing length of jail stays, and advancing criminal justice reform recommendations provided by the 2014 Res 556 work groups?
Yes, and one of the major reforms that need to happen is the legalization and taxation of recreational marijuana use while simultaneously offering complete clemency for any marijuana related offenses as well as expunging them from the individuals criminal record. This will reduce costs in the prison, generate revenue and help lower recidivism rates. This would also help the racial disparities of the prison populations as African Americans are imprisoned at a rate of 6 times greater than white people even though statistics show even use of marijuana between the 2 groups.
4. Which of the Lake Levels Task Force Recommendations should be prioritized? Do you support petitioning the DNR to further lower the lake levels?
Stormwater and infiltration should be prioritized since, with climate change, we are highly likely to experience more frequent and greater volume flooding. Yes, I support lowering the lake levels further.
5. What role do you think the County has in monitoring and remediating PFAS contamination in urban and rural areas?
I think the county has a significant role in dealing with any problem that can affect a widespread area, specifically our water supply, with contamination of a possible carcinogen. Petitioning the airport/airfield to switch to a PFAS free foam would be the first priority in this instance.
6. What other ideas do you have for raising revenues or reducing spending? Would you support going to referendum to raise the levy? If yes, what conditions do you place on your support, if any?
Yes, I would support raising the tax levy but only on homes above a certain value that way low income homeowners would not be affected. Also, as mentioned above, legalization of marijuana would greatly increase revenue.
7. Evaluate the issue of transparency in the way the County Board currently operates. What problem areas do you believe need to be addressed and how will you work to address them? Do you think the county board is responsive to public input and values the role of resident and non-standing committees?
The private Dane County Board ‘chairs meetings’ raise concerns for me. Even though they don’t have a quorum or vote on official business it should still be made public. I would also like to see the bimonthly supervisor meetings recorded and made available to the public through the county website.
8. Have you carefully read the Progressive Dane County Platform? Do you have any questions or concerns about the platform? Are there issues that we should add or that you particularly want to work on?
Supporting a green new deal for Dane County and criminal justice reform with emphasis on the data requirements of the 2014 Res. 556 work group are 2 that I am particularly interested in.
9. The County has made investments in housing and homelessness yet we still have some of the worst racial disparities in housing and homelessness. What would you do to address this?
Implementing rent control, such as Berlin did recently, would help keep rent within a reasonable limit. A vacancy tax could also be implemented to encourage landlords both to lower rent to attract residents but also prevent them from keeping specific units empty for the sole reason of using them as Airbnb’s. Purchasing some older apartment complexes and converting them specifically into low income efficiencies solely for the homeless is another good option.
10. Why are you interested in the Progressive Dane endorsement? What role do you see yourself playing in Progressive Dane and do you agree with the accountability expectations document?
I see a symbiotic relationship with Progressive Dane as we have near identical goals of helping the community through democratic means. Having Progressive Dane endorsement equates to a better chance of my winning the election and having a Progressive Dane member endorsed that wins gives Progressive Dane a better chance of carrying out and achieving its County Platform. Being part of Progressive Dane, even if I don’t get the endorsement, still helps me be a part of an organization that is dedicated to improving the community. Accountability is extremely important at any level of government and I look forward to helping us both achieve our goals while maintaining a high level of accountability.
11. In what ways are you currently active in your district and the community at large? (new candidates only)
At the present time I am not currently active in any official volunteer groups.