3. Dane County Jail, Policing, and Criminal Justice
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County Platform: Public Safety and Protection →
City Platform: Policing →
(Descriptions are directly from the website, will update with better information)
Commission on Sensitive Crimes - Section 15.23
Criminal Justice Council - (no description on website)
Criminal Justice Council - Pre-trial Services Subcommittee - Created by motion of the Criminal Justice Committee, June 26, 2014. They haven't met since 6/15/2005 according to legistar. (click "Calendar" and then "date" to see when their meetings were.)
Criminal Justice Council - Racial Disaprities Sub Committee - Workgroup of the Criminal Justice Council.
DaneCOM Governing Board - Sub. 2 to Res. 88, 10-11 adopted 10/7/10.
Poverty Commission - Ord. Amdt. 6, 13-14 adopted 7/18/13 - Hasn't met since 6/10/15.
Public Protection and Judiciary -Has no description but this is the most powerful committee and makes budget amendments in the criminal justice area of the budget including Jail, District Attorney, Circuit Courts, Sheriff, etc.
Public Protection and Judiciary - Alternatives to Arrest and Incarceration Workgroup - no description - hasn't met since 9/8/15
Public Protection and Judiciary - Diversion Programs Workgroup - no description - hasn't met since 7/28/16
Public Protection and Judiciary - Length of Stay Workgroup- no description - hasn't met since 9/1/15.
Public Protection and Judiciary - Mental Health, Solitary Confinement and Incarceration Workgroup- no description - hasn't met since 8/31/15
Public Safety Communications Advisory Commission - Sub 2 to 2014 OA-056, Chapter 15.
Public Safety Communications Center Board - Res. 123, 85-86 adopted 2/6/86; Sub. 1 to Ord. Amdt. 36, 01-02; Ord. Amdt. 3, 05-06 and Sub. 1 to Ord. Amdt. 11, 06-07 - Hasn't met since 11/19/14? according to legistar?
Public Safety Communications Center Technical Committee - Ord. Amdt. 3, 05-06 adoptd 5/19/05. - Hasn't met since 11/21/14 according to legistar.
Public Safety Communications Fire/EMS Radio Protocol Workgroup - Subcomittee of Public Safety Communications - Hasn't met since 2/216/15according to legistar
Public Safety Communications Medical and Fire Dispatch Review and Steering Workgroup - no description - Hasn't met since 8/14/14 according to legistar.
Public Safety Communications Operating Practices Advisory Committee - Res. 123, 85-86; Ord. Amdt. 3, 05-06 - Hasn't met since 4/20/16according to legistar.
Public Safety Communications Police Dispatch Review and Steering Subcommittee - Subcommittee of Public Safety Communications Committee - Hasn't met since 9/3/14 according to legistar.
Public Safety Communications Pre-Alert Work Group - no description - Hasn't met since 1/27/15 according to legistar.
Public Safety Communications Radio Protocol Committee - no description - Hasn't met since 10/13/15 according to legistar.
Sheriff Body Worn Camera Advisory Committee - no description - Hasn't met since 8/21/15 according to legistar.
Police and Fire Commission - The Board shall have the duties prescribed in Wis. Stats. §62.13: To appoint the police and fire chief, approve the written protocol on hiring, promotion, suspension, demotion, and termination and to approve or disapprove the appointment of any subordinate by the Police or Fire Chief. Additionally, to distribute all rules relating to examination and qualification of police officers and firefighters, conduct examinations for appointments to the police or fire department, to suspend, reduce in rank, or remove the police or fire chief. or any firefighter or law enforcement personnel for cause after fearing on charges filed with the board in accordance with the procedures of Wis. Stats. §62.13(5).
Public Safety & Human Services Committee - The Public Safety & Human Services Committee shall oversee fire and police service, public health, and services for elderly, review the issuance of any license, permit or franchise in connection with the sale of alcoholic beverages and review the need for ordinances concerning enforcement of any criminal codes, fire, building, residence, traffic, and such other codes, ordinances, and resolutions as may be appropriate to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the public. Additionally, to review applications for outdoor sound, basketball hoops, and permits for the sale of tobacco products, oversee the use of any public buildings, lands, easements, streets, or property for special events and provide recommendations on contracts for senior services, garbage collection, library services, emergency medical services.
Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee - Creating the Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee to complete a thorough review of the Madison Police Department's policies, procedures, culture and training using the report, other resources and testimony. Creating resolution RES-15-00477, File ID# 37863; effective 5/21/2015.
Police and Fire Commission - Madison General Ordinance Sec. 33.06 and State Statutes 62.13 - Appoints the chief of each department; approves or disapproves promotions and supervision of the hiring process, with certification of an eligibility list and approval of those who are finally hired; holds hearings on disciplinary matters brought to its attention either directly or through appeal and imposes discipline if appropriate.
Public Safety Review Committee - Madison General Ordinance Sec. 33.22 - The board shall be advisory to the mayor and Common Council to assist them in the performance of their statutory duties. The board may review and make recommendations concerning departmental budgets; review service priorities and capital budget priorities of the Police and Fire Departments; serve as liaison between the community and the city on public safety issues; and review annually and make recommendations to the Common Council regarding the annual work plans and long-range goals of the departments.
CCOC Subcommittee on Police and Community Relations -The CCOC Subcommittee on Police and Community Relations will seek to meet the following objectives:
Provide a forum for residents and members of the Council to discuss police and community goals, priorities and interactions. Build a deeper understanding of policing for elected officials and members of the public; and,
Explore models and options from other communities related to policing and other police policies; and,
Provide a forum for information sharing regarding police training, policies, data and trends including detailed presentations from the MPD related to policing; and,
Make recommendations to the Council on short-term policy, procedure and training while waiting for the results of the Ad Hoc Review of Police Policies and Procedures.
Police Commission - The Police Commission is responsible for employment matters of sworn police personnel. Commission members include five citizens.
Public Safety Committee - The Public Safety Committee advises the Police Department and the council on non-personnel operations and policy of the department. The committee consists of the mayor / designee. one alderperson with a one year term, four citizen members with two year terms, and the chief of police / designee.
Police and Fire Commission - The Police and Fire Commission has jurisdiction with regard to the hiring, firing, disciplining, or promotion of personnel in the Police and Fire departments.
Public Safety Committee - The Public Safety Committee reviews and recommends ordinances affecting public safety to the City Council.
Public Safety - The oversight responsibilities of this committee include licenses, ambulances, police, fire, judiciary, traffic regulations and related signage, safety committee, and all ordinances and policies concerning or affecting such subjects.
Police Commission - The Board appoints the Chief of Police, who then appoints subordinates subject to approval by the Board. The Board evaluates internal candidates for promotion, and maintains a list of eligible candidates with examination-based qualifications.
The Board adopts and may repeal or modify, rules calculated to secure the best service in these departments. These rules shall provide for examination of physical and educational qualifications and experience, and may provide such competitive examinations as the board shall determine and for the classification of positions with special examination for each class. The Board shall have such other powers as provided in Section 62.13 of Wisconsin Statutes, with the exception of the optional powers provided in Section 62.13(6).
*Towns and Villages information coming soon.