1. Affordable Housing, Tenants Issues, Fair Housing, and Homelessness
We believe that housing is a human right. Dane County and its cities, towns, and villages should ensure high-quality, safe, fair, accessible, and affordable housing for all.
County Platform: Housing Justice →
City Platform: Housing Justice →
City-County Homeless Issues Committee - Ord. Amdt. 33, 2013, adopted by County Board Aug. 14, 2014. Replaces Homeless Issues Committee of Dane County.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Commission - Ord. Amdt. 12, 99-00 adopted 9/23/99. Amended by OA 11, 00-01 adopted 9/21/00 and OA 14, 02-03 adopted 11/7/02. Recommend use of HUD and CDBG funds.
Equal Opportunity Commission - Ord. Amdt. 17, 99-00 adopted 12/2/99.
Health and Human Needs - No description available, but this committee controls 1/4 million dollars of funding for human services in Dane County.
Dane County Housing Authority - Ordinance 15.26 and Sec. 66.40-66.404 Stats. According to Legistar they have never met, but that's not true, check out their website for more details.
Poverty Commission - Ord. Amdt. 6, 13-14 adopted 7/18/13 - Hasn't met since 6/10/15.
Listed as inactive - Affordable Housing Development Fund Staff Team - but I'm not sure that is true
Community and Economic Development Authority - The Authority shall carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of Wis. Stats. §6.1213, 66.1201, 66.1333, and 66.1335 for housing and community development authorities and elderly under § 66.1213, redevelopment under § 66.1333 as agent of the City in planning and carrying out community development programs and activities. Additionally, performing all functions required to be performed by a sponsor of a housing rehabilitation program, including reinvestment in neighborhoods, administration of the City's housing rehabilitation program and any other programs of rehabilitation.
Public Safety & Human Services Committee - The Public Safety & Human Services Committee shall oversee fire and police service, public health, and services for elderly, review the issuance of any license, permit or franchise in connection with the sale of alcoholic beverages and review the need for ordinances concerning enforcement of any criminal codes, fire, building, residence, traffic, and such other codes, ordinances, and resolutions as may be appropriate to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the public. Additionally, to review applications for outdoor sound, basketball hoops, and permits for the sale of tobacco products, oversee the use of any public buildings, lands, easements, streets, or property for special events and provide recommendations on contracts for senior services, garbage collection, library services, emergency medical services.
Bayview Foundation Board - To provide quality, affordable housing and human services to low and moderate income families. In addition, the Foundation develops and supports innovative programs which blend education and the Arts to increase cultural awareness and ethnic pride for Bayview residents and the larger community. (NOTE: Appointment listing shows only those appointment(s) made by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council.)
CDA - Housing Operations Subcommittee - Madison General Ordinance Sec. 3.17(18) - Shall review policy and programs specifically related to housing operations. (Original Authorization: Governed by CDA By-laws and Resolution 53125, ID 29097, adopted 3-20-2001.)
City-County Homeless Issues Committee - The Committee shall examine, report and make recommendations to the Madison Common Council and the Dane County Board of Supervisors on issues related to homelessness. This includes housing for the homeless, jobs and job training, availability of public toilets and showers, access to storage lockers, and the provision of mental health, drug and alcohol services. Creating Ordinance ORD-14-00090, File ID# 33381 (effective date 5-8-2014).
Community Action Coalition of South Central Wisconsin - Wisconsin State Statutes 46.30 & 66.434 & CAC By-laws - The corporation shall be an organization which develops economic and social capacities of individuals, families and communities to reduce poverty in Dane, Jefferson and Waukesha Counties. The organization will work to make the entire community more responsive to the needs or interests of the economically disadvantaged to bring about greater institutional sensitivity to the problems of poverty and to mobilize the resources necessary to achieve these ends.
Community Development Authority - Madison General Ordinance Section 3.17 - Pursuant to Sec. 66.1335 of the Wisconsin Statutes (entitled "Housing and Community Development Authorities"), there is hereby created a housing and community authority, which shall be known as the "Community Development Authority of the City of Madison." The Community Development (the "CDA") is deemed to be a public body and a body corporate and politic, exercising necessary public powers, and having all the powers, duties and functions conferred on housing authorities, redevelopment authorities and housing and community development authorities by applicable law.
Community Development Block Grant Committee - Madison General Ordinance Sec. 33.15 - Recommends policies, goals and objectives of the CDBG Program, after consultation with the mayor, to be approved by the Common Council; evaluates performance of contractors performing CDBG-funded activities, including obtaining such information as is reasonably necessary for such evaluation; and, at the discretion of the commission, makes recommendations to the mayor and Common Council regarding contract revisions, enforcement or terminations; review project and Local Options proposals for CDBG funding; recommends to the mayor and Common Council a budget for CDBG funding based upon assessment of the proposals, evaluation of performance on other city projects, city policies, goals, objectives, financial needs and commitments and upon the needs assessment by the Clearinghouse for Citizen Participation; recommend to the mayor and Common Council the allocation of any reprogrammed funds; and perform those functions delineated in Sec. 4.22 as regards the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. (Title of body changed from commission to committee per MGO Sec. 33.15, adopted 3-17-2009, effective 8-1-2009.)
Community Services Committee - Madison General Ordinances Section 33.16 - a) establish policies to be followed by the Office of Community Services; b) investigate new and innovative methods for delivery of human services; c) recommend policy to the mayor and Common Council in the area of community services; d) make recommendations to the mayor and supervisor of Community Services regarding the budget for community services, and human services purchased by the City from private non-profit agencies; e) stimulate coordinated inter-community and intro-community planning for the delivery of human services; f) seek ways to involve citizens in assessment of human services needs; g) cooperate with the Plan Commission and Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development; h) seek to improve accessibility of human services to citizens who have language and other barriers; i) establish human services priorities and criteria for choices between those services which are provided directly by the City and those which are purchased from other agencies; j) work to improve coordination and follow-up in connecting City residents with available human services; k) coordinate human services activities with other governmental units. (Title of body changed from commission to committee per MGO Sec. 33.16, adopted 3-17-2009, effective 8-1-2009.)
Equal Opportunities Commission - Madison General Ordinance Sec. 39.03 (10) - 1) Study the existence, character, causes and extent of denial of equal opportunity because of sex, race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, age, handicap, marital status, source of income, arrest or conviction record, less than honorable discharge, physical appearance, sexual orientation, domestic partnership, familial status, political beliefs, retaliation, Social Security Number, or the fact that a person is a student, or a member of a domestic partnership as defined in the ordinances; 2) informally recommend solutions to individual problems that may arise which involve the denial of equal opportunities because of above-listed; 3) disseminate information and provide technical assistance, consultation, training programs, and other techniques to educate the people of the City of Madison and to aid private and public agencies to use their resources to promote equal opportunities for all persons; 4) receive and initiate complaints alleging violation of this ordinance and attempt to eliminate or remedy any violation by means of conciliation, persuasion, education, litigation, or any other means to make the complainant whole again; 5) test and investigate for the purpose of establishing violations of Sec. 39.03 of these ordinances and, if appropriate, make, sign and file complaints alleging violations; 6) render from time to time, but not less than one year, written report of its activities and recommendations to the mayor and Common Council; 7) adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purpose and provisions of this ordinance; 8) issue subpoena pursuant to State Stats. Sec. 885.01 to assist in the execution of its duties; 9) from time to time designate commissioners and/or Equal Opportunities Division staff to carry out its duties; 10) administer and enforce the Minimum Wage Ordinance.
Housing Strategy Committee - Madison General Ordinance 33.34 - The Housing Strategy Committee shall serve as a forum for discussion and communication about housing strategies; shall establish a schedule for the Dept. of Planning & Community & Economic Development to prepare and submit a biennial housing report to the Mayor and the Common Council, which will include the following: current data on Madison and regional housing supply and trends; strategies for maintaining a broad range of housing choices for all households and income levels; and strategies for maintaining and increasing affordable owner-occupied and rental housing in Madison and the region. Creating Ordinance ORD-12-00077, File ID# 25837 (effective date 6-21-2012)
Landlord and Tenant Issues Committee - Madison General Ordinance 32.03 - The Landlord and Tenant Issues Committee shall serve as a forum for discussion and communication about landlord-tenant issues; make recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council on all aspects of landlord and tenant policies and issues, including landlord and tenant issues in Chapters 27 & 32 of the Madison General Ordinances; and perform functions formerly exercised by the Rent Abatement Oversight Committee. Creating Ordinance ORD-12-00076, File ID# 25836 (effective date 6-21-2012) 3-6-2014: Composition amended - committee size reduced from 9 members plus 1 alternate to 7 members plus 1 alternate; positions 2 & 9 (vacancies) were eliminated. ORD-14-00047, File ID 32619
Madison Development Corporation Board of Directors - Ongoing responsibilities of: corporate planning; initiating, evaluating and monitoring program administration; and maintaining a close working relationship with the City of Madison.
Madison Housing Authority - Madison Housing Authority has been superceded by the Community Development Authority per Madison General Ordinance 3.69. However, MHA continues as an entity because of an outstanding bond obligation. Appointments are made to the MHA so as to comply with HUD rules. Mayor makes appointments from the Community Development Authority membership.
Community Development Authority - The Community Development Authority oversees the city's downtown redevelopment and workforce housing program. Consists of five citizens and two alderpersons.
Community Development Authority - The Community Development Authority (CDA) is a separate political body that was created for the purpose of carrying out blight elimination, slum clearance, urban renewal programs and projects, and housing projects. The resolution creating the CDA authorizes the authority to act as the city's agent in planning and carrying out community development programs and activities. These programs and activities must be approved by the mayor and City Council under the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. The CDA is authorized to act as an agent for all development programs except the development of the city's Comprehensive Plan, which is overseen by the Plan Commission.
Community Development Authority - The purpose of the CDA is to eliminate or prevent substandard, deteriorated, unsanitary, and blighted areas within the City; provide and retain gainful employment opportunities for citizens of the City; provide affordable housing in the City; encourage growth of the City’s tax base; and stimulate the flow of investment capital into the City resultant beneficial effects upon the economy in the City.
The CDA’s primary roles in previous years have been to facilitate borrowing for infrastructure and acquisition costs related to redevelopment projects in the Tax Increment Finance Districts, as well as reviewing and providing direction on specific redevelopment proposals in these areas. The CDA has also sold and refinanced debt relating to Tax Increment Finance Districts by means of the Issuance and Sale of Community Development Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds.
*Towns and Villages information coming soon.