9. Open and Clean Government (Lobbying, Ethics, Clean Campaigns) and Redistricting

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County Platform: Public Safety and Protection →
City Platform: Policing →


(Descriptions are directly from the website, will update with better information)

  • Ethics Board - Ordinance 15.22holds hearings to determine the validity o fcomplaints against elected officials,m appointees to admin agencies or dept heads. Hasn't met since 11/20/15 according to legistar. (Click calendar, then date)

  • Executive Committee - Redistricting Subcommittee - Created to make recommendations for the 2021 redistricting More... 2016 OA-032 11 Citizen Members who are residents of DC. Appts made through application process. Board chair shall appt a resident of C-Madison, a resident of a Town, a resident of a city of village other than C-Madison. Board Chair and Clerk shall ea appt 4 add'tl citizen members. Members serve from time of appt until completion of redistrcting process. A vacancy will be filled consistent with this section. Members must follow criterea: NOT be on the Board, and Employee of DC or a contract consultant NOT be a Lobbyist registered with the Board CANNOT hold or have held an official position w/ a political party or partisan organization w/in the year prior to appt. CANNOT have participated in the WI partisan redistricting process Must be impartial including from refraining from engaging in any political party activity or supporting the election or defeat of any candidate or referendum, etc. Have familiarity with maps Disclose conflict of interest per s.9.60 - Doesn't appear to have met since 12/18/15 according to legistar. (Click "calendar" and then "date")

  • Executive Committee - Review of Boards and Commissions Subcommitee - Created by Executive Committee 7/16 to review the number, purpose and activities of current DC boards and commissions.

  • Community Media Committee - This committee facilitates and regulates the smooth and effective development and operation for the city's Charter & AT&T Uverse PEG channels, more generally, Monona Community Media .The committee makes its recommendations to the City Council in matters pertaining to Community Media, resolves disputes relating to its operation, conducts periodic evaluations of the operation, and manages its facilities for use by the citizens of Monona.

  • Cable Access Telecommunications Commission - The duties of the cable access telecommunication commission include:

    • Advising the City Council on applications for and compliance with franchise agreements.

    • Facilitating the resolution of disagreements among franchisees, subscribers, and public and private users of the telecasting facilities.

    • Advising the City Council on the regulation of rates.

    • Encouraging use of access channels among the widest range of institutions, groups and individuals within the City.

    • Making an annual report to the council, including an account of franchise fees received and distributed, the total number of hours of utilization of public channels, and hourly subtotals of various programming categories, and a review of any plans submitted during the year by the franchisee for development of new services.

    • Conducting periodic evaluation of the system, make recommendations to the council for amendments to this chapter or the franchise agreements.

    • Being responsible for the overall regulation of the cable provider and the operation of the City's public access channels (KSUN and KIDS-4).

    • Managing and supervising the daily operation of the public access channels and keep the common council advised of the status of the public access channels (KSUN and KIDS-4).

    • Safeguarding, maintaining and supervising the operation of City-owned equipment entrusted to its care.

    • Providing equitable access to public access channels and facilities for all Sun Prairie citizens seeking access.

    • Developing programs to increase the public's knowledge and use of the community access channels which are made available under the franchise.

    • Developing an annual fiscal budget and submit it to the City of Sun Prairie each year.

    • Accepting monetary donations and gifts of equipment in the name of the City. These funds shall only be expended with the approval of the Commission.

    • Entering into cooperative agreements with other governmental, educational and public service groups in order to produce appropriate community television programs.

    • Allocating an appropriate share of the franchise revenues received from the operation of the cable system to support programming for children.

    Read the full description of the Cable Access Telecommunications Commission in Chapter 2.44 in the Sun Prairie Municipal Code of Ordinances.


*Towns and Villages information coming soon.